Geologic maps are 2D images that show the location and extent of geologic features like rock units and faults and are made of the surface or subsurface. Many geologic features such as faults and boundaries demarking rocks of differing ages and types are 3D surfaces within the earth, and a surface geologic map displays the intersection of the earth’s topography with these subsurface surfaces. Surface geologic maps are most commonly displayed over a topographic base, often colorful, are of considerable value to society and are commonly used in a variety of endeavors such as geologic hazard and risk evaluations, water management, dam safety, resource and land management, resource exploitation, environmental evaluations, and education. Subsurface maps, with the surfaces commonly displayed as depth below sea-level, are arguably the most important geologic tool in active fault evaluations, carbon sequestration, some environmental evaluations, water management, natural gas storage field siting and operations, oil and exploration and field operations, and mining.
A geologic cross section displays a side view of the earth. The configurations shown in a cross section are interpretive and there can multiple interpretations in area of complex geology. The best constrained cross sections utilize data from wells (oil & gas, water) and geophysical techniques such as seismic reflection.
Integrating geologic mapping and cross sections produces a 3D volume that is much better constrained and less interpretive than standalone maps and cross sections. These 3D geologic volumes are much easier to produce with recent developments in geologic and geophysical mapping software and more powerful workstations.
Our Objectives
The Geologic Maps Foundation (GMF) was founded in 2016 with the following objectives:
- Provide public education on geologic maps that includes the uses and benefits of these vital data sets and interpretations, plus teaching map reading and map making skills. Educational opportunities are provided through geo-hikes (for hikers and geologists), professional geologic field trips, and courses. These events are listed and open for RSVPs at:
- Preservation of unpublished and out-of-print geologic maps, cross sections, and other geologic data and interpretations, and make available to the public, researchers, and policy makers via GMF’s web page: see Library pull down menu at:
- Provide the public immediate education and information on potential geologic hazards. For instance, using a social media campaign, GMF provided the public in Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties a Debris Flow Facts & Safety pamphlet immediately following the 2017 Thomas Fire; Click to see our 2016-2018 efforts.
- Perform geologic research that deals with the world’s changing energy challenges and associated environmental questions; for example, a present focus is the siting of natural gas storage fields across active faults in California; Click to see our 2016-2018 efforts.
2021-2022 Focus
Geo-hikes is open to hikers, geologists and geology students.
It’s for anyone interested in learning a little geology while hiking and backpacking.
Visit Events\Calendar\Past on the Meetup page for the last few years for a quick appreciation, with photos, of Geo-hikes events,
Crooked Creek, White Mtns,
Santa Cruz Island,
Deep Canyon and Santa Rosa Mtns,
Hikers, do you want to learn a bit of field geology and map reading skills while hiking, and sometimes camping in the western USA? Interested in participating in Geo-hikes and trips to scenic, and sometimes remote, locations? Want to learn about the fascinating history of the earth at these locations while on the move? If yes, then events hosted and led by the Geologic Maps Foundation might be of interest to you. Plus, the participants meet others with similar interests while getting great exercise. You do not have to be a geologist to attend but an eagerness to learn some basic geology and map reading skills are a must.
Professional geologists can share their knowledge and experiences (as co-leaders) with geology students and non-geologists while exercising and returning to, for many, why they got into geology in the first place.
Geology students (at any level) will gain field experience, an opportunity to interact and make contacts with professional geologists that could be helpful in the future, and with lots of outdoor exercise in interesting geologic settings.
There are a number of geo-hikes scheduled for the 2023 season and more will be added. “Spreading the word” about these events is most appreciated. Interaction of professional geologists and geology students with hikers, that are not geologists, informs the public about geology and its importance.
Geo-hikes also organize and lead customized geologic field trips for professional organizations and companies to various areas in the western US and Baja California. Trips are great educational and team building experiences. Please email us at: geologicmapsfoundation@gmail.
Our Objectives
The Geologic Maps Foundation (GMF) was founded in 2016 with the following objectives:
- Provide public education on geologic maps that includes the uses and benefits of these vital data sets and interpretations, plus teaching map reading and map making skills. Educational opportunities are provided through geo-hikes (for hikers and geologists), professional geologic field trips, and courses. These events are listed and open for RSVPs at:
- Preservation of unpublished and out-of-print geologic maps, cross sections, and other geologic data and interpretations, and make available to the public, researchers, and policy makers via GMF’s web page: see Library pull down menu at:
- Provide the public immediate education and information on potential geologic hazards. For instance, using a social media campaign, GMF provided the public in Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties a Debris Flow Facts & Safety pamphlet immediately following the 2017 Thomas Fire; Click to see our 2016-2018 efforts.
- Perform geologic research that deals with the world’s changing energy challenges and associated environmental questions; for example, a present focus is the siting of natural gas storage fields across active faults in California; Click to see our 2016-2018 efforts.
Example: https://tdavisgeo.
2019-2020 Focus
2016-2018 Focus
Avoiding massive methane leaks from natural gas storage fields: The concealed earthquake faulting hazard to the Aliso Canyon and other gas storage fields in the US
In the US over 400 underground natural gas (methane) storage fields supply nearly one-third of our nation’s energy needs, and that share is expected to grow in response to low carbon use requirements and ample domestic supplies. Given this substantial energy role how safe is gas storage in seismically prone areas where earthquake fault movements can shear wells? Gas fields with many active fault crossings have the potential to suddenly release massive amounts of methane. For instance, at the Aliso Canyon Gas Storage field (ACGSF) all 114 gas wells cross the Santa Susana fault (SSF) to reach the deeper gas reservoir. Seismologists and geologists have evidence that the SSF is earthquake active with a high rate of fault movement during the most recent period of geologic time. They characterize the SSF as capable of producing moderate to large earthquakes with fault movements sufficient to create breaks and leaks in high pressure wells. The recent ACGSF leak, although probably not due to fault movement, showed the difficult and lengthy process to regain control of a subsurface leak in a gas well and its significant regional and local impacts. In the four month long struggle to control the SS-25 well it released 20% of California’s annual methane emission (CARB, 2016). ~8,000 residents were relocated and two public schools closed (Harris and Walker, 2016). The operator, the Southern California Gas Company (a Sempra owned company), has to date spent $700+ MM on this event. The ACGSF leak was stopped by drilling a relief well that took over two months, and the event showed the lengthy and costly effort required to stop an underground leak from one well in a pressured and large volume storage field. Furthermore, methane, a much more effective heat-trapping gas than carbon dioxide, released to the atmosphere in large amounts can negate a good portion of the nation’s carbon dioxide reduction efforts (IPCC, 2014). In the event of a massive methane leak involving numerous wells regaining control and mitigation would be costly, perhaps impossible, and would have enormous safety, societal, and environmental consequences. As many of the storage field operators are public utilities it is possible that both the rate payers and tax payers could end up with these burdens. The earthquake fault hazard and its potential impact to the environment, the nation’s energy supply, and nearby communities have been nearly unrecognized by the gas storage industry, and consequently by policymakers. The nation, and especially communities adjacent to the storage fields, which are lacking the ability to retain independent technical expertise, must rely on the transparency and technical conclusions of the operators. Likewise, the regulator’s judgment relies heavily on the operator’s technical conclusions and thoroughness. To date, the Geologic Maps Foundation (GMF) is the only independent scientific nonprofit focused on this substantial environmental and safety hazard (Davis, 2016 a, b, and c). GMF’s evaluation should continue into 2017 in order to influence new gas well regulations being proposed by industry advisory, state, and federal agencies during the next two years. Concurrently, it is critical to inform and educate the public, their elected officials, and national and local organizations concerned with safe and clean energy. GMF is seeking funding to continue its efforts.
Board of Directors

Thomas L. Davis, PhD, President and Director. California Professional Geologist #4171
Davis is a California State registered geologist and an author on a number of geologic publications-especially dealing with the structural geology and petroleum potential of California. Davis has worked as a consultant and researcher worldwide, for numerous public and private energy companies, several national oil companies, the United States Geological Survey (USGS), Southern California Gas Company, and the Playa Vista development in the Los Angeles basin. Formerly Davis was a partner in Davis & Namson Consulting Geologists, and prior worked for the Atlantic-Richfield Corporation.

David Kimbrough, PhD, Vice-President and Director. Professor of Geology, California State University San Diego
Dr. Kimbrough completed his PhD at UCSB (on geology of Cedros Island, Baja California) and served as a SDSU faculty member since 1989. He has led research and education efforts in the circum-Pacific region (Antarctica, New Zealand, Australia, Japan, Canada, Mexico, South America) supported mainly by NSF grants.
Adam Wolf, Esq., Director. Peiffer, Rosca, Wolf, Abdullah, Carr & Kane, A Professional Law Corporation
Adam is an attorney and a Shareholder in the law firm Peiffer Wolf Carr Kane Conway & Wise, LLP. He handles complex civil lawsuits, litigates constitutional and civil rights claims, and represents clients in appeals. Adam has argued in the United States Supreme Court, in addition to numerous federal and state courts of appeals.

Monica Davis, MBA, Treasurer and Director. Chief Operating Officer of Mental Health America of Los Angeles (MHALA)
Monica Davis, MBA is the Chief Administrative and Contracts Officer for Mental Health America of Los Angeles. She has spent 20+ years working in the public mental health system, performing roles of outcomes collection and analysis, business operations, finance, and county contracting. From 2001 – 2007, Monica was the coordinator of the department that collected, analyzed, and reported the statewide data that was used to advocate for the Mental Health Services Act.

Lindsey Hronek, Secretary and Director. PhD Student West Virginia University
Lindsey Hronek has worked at Thomas L. Davis Geologist for ten years doing administration, book-keeping, drafting, and GIS assignments. Lindsey is also working on her PhD in Behavior Analysis at the West Virginia University.
The Geologic Maps Foundation, Inc. (GMF) is a tax-exempt nonprofit, IRS 501 (3) (C), with a scientific educational and research focus. Donations are tax deductible and pay for GMF and Geo-hikes event expenses and operating costs.